My Pictures

My Pictures

Песня Стинга навеяла совершенно новые стихи, но это не "Shape of My Heart".
I paint pictures for а relaxation
They are as a meditation
Bright colors give me feeling of joy
Pay attention to me darling boy

I create pictures so you would hear me
Our meeting is karma and destiny
Maybe it's the gate
leading to paradise
where can I get energize.

I look at the red - this is boundless love
I look at the green - this is hope in a luxurious glove
I look at the grey - it's suffering
White is the multinumbering

I may write happiness
I may put my heart in canvas
I may hide sadness in the raininess
I may show your terrible

I look at the red - this is boundless love
I look at the green - this is hope in a luxurious glove
I look at the grey - it's suffering
White is the multinumbering

I'd like to tell you that I miss you
You may think that I love you
You are a man of many faces
You wear masks in many places

Don't say you know nothing
Look at my pictures and suspect
I'm unconditionally in love
Crazy stupid boy
who should have treated
my feelings with respect
What are you afraid of dear?
Even kings conquer their fear!

I look at the red - this is boundless love
I look at the green - this is hope in a luxurious glove
I look at the grey - it's suffering
White is the multinumbering


© Марина Головина, Дом Поэта, 11.06.2022
Свидетельство о публикации: P-DF № 257913285

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# 21.07.2022 в 16:29 Игорь Истратов
Рисую ощущенье визави,
Рисую послевкусье поцелуя,
Рисую сладкий холодок в крови...
Свою любовь по памяти рисую.
# 22.07.2022 в 17:55 MarGo
Браво! Великолепно!

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